dbt Core

Revefi integrates with dbt Core to help connect the dots between your data issues and your dbt models (e.g. model code changes).


  1. Make sure you have python (version 3.8 or above) installed on your machine

Follow the steps below to set up the integration:

  1. You will need the Revefi Auth token, which you will get during Revefi Onboarding, or when connecting to dbt Core in the Connections tab in the left navigation. In either of those steps, you can generate the token in below screen:
  1. Run pip install git+https://github.com/revefi/dbt_python_client.git to install the revefi-dbt-client package.

  2. In a terminal, run the CLI revefi-dbt-client --token <auth-token> --project_folder <project-folder>, where
    a. auth-token is the token you received in Step 1) above
    b. project_folder is your dbt Core Project folder


  • The uploader assumes that the dbt target path is set to "target" within the project folder. If you are using some other target path, you may override the default behavior with
    revefi-dbt-client --token <auth-token> --project_folder <project-folder> --target_folder <target-folder>
  • After executing dbt build, dbt run, or dbt test in your production dbt workflow, run the above CLI directly to handle file overwriting in the target directory.

What’s Next

After running the python CLI per above, in a few minutes you will see information show up in the Revefi UI for the dbt info corresponding to your tables. As an example, in the dbt tab on the left navigation, you will see insights on what are your most costly models, quick summaries about recent run trends are more!